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2005-03-28 - -
2005-03-24 - sick and tired
2005-03-23 - um, wow.
2005-03-22 - we lose things and we choose things
2005-03-21 - happy
2005-03-15 - I'm right here in the middle
2005-03-04 - one night is lovely the next is brutal
2005-02-16 - I am the wallpaper (again)
2005-02-15 - unbalanced
2005-02-14 - Be Mine?
2005-02-08 - away from the rage
2005-02-04 - what the fuck?
2005-02-02 - afraid
2005-01-28 - This is stupid
2005-01-25 - how do we...?
2005-01-07 - sing
2005-01-07 - open me
2005-01-07 - fears
2005-01-07 - it's missing you
2005-01-04 - stupid girl
2004-12-31 - need to party
2004-03-17 - too stressed to make any sense
2004-11-19 - Manderly again
2004-11-11 - wasting time
2004-11-10 - next lifetime
2004-11-09 - warm glowing love
2004-11-06 - I just kinda ache
2004-11-04 - unloved
2004-10-29 - card reading advice
2004-10-29 - more venting
2004-10-29 - venting
2004-10-22 - katie and rebecca
2004-10-21 - sexy
2004-10-07 - busy bitching pervert
2004-09-15 - quick randomness
2004-09-07 - bad mood dynamics
2004-09-07 - droppin marbles
2004-09-07 - insecurities swallowing me whole
2004-09-04 - this changes everything
2004-08-31 - updates on nothing/everything
2004-08-12 - a little less thinking a little more feeling
2004-08-06 - Frustration!
2004-08-05 - relationship blah blah blah
2004-08-04 - deepest secret
2004-08-04 - hey - you've got to hide your love away
2004-08-03 - Letter to C
2004-07-30 - New Diary

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